To be eligible for officially protected housing in Barcelona, it is essential to be properly registered with the Barcelona Social Housing Applicants Register.
Your registration in four steps
Before starting your registration, you should consider two preliminary considerations:
- You can register individually or on behalf of multiple individuals if they form a household unit. This means if they live together or plan to live together in the future.
- You must meet the following requirements: be of legal age or an emancipated minor; not own any property, with exceptions; the main applicant must be registered as a resident in Barcelona; and not exceed the maximum income set by the Registry’s regulations.
Here are the steps to formalize your registration:
1. You have three different methods to complete the registration:
1.1. Online, through the official website of the Register. Once inside, go to the “New registration request” tab.
1.2. By phone, calling 010, where an agent will formalize your registration request.
1.3. At a housing office with a prior appointment, which you can request by calling 010.
2. Once you have completed the application, you must sign it and submit it along with the required paper documentation. You have two options:
2.1. If you prefer regular mail, we will send you the application to your address along with a return envelope for you to send back the signed application with the required documentation. Alternatively, you can personally deliver it to a housing office without a prior appointment.
2.2. Alternatively, you can print the completed application from the internet and, along with the documentation, submit it to any housing office. You must request an appointment by calling 010.
3. You can check the status of your application at any time online using your application code and chosen password, or by phone using the code and your ID number.
4. Once your registration is confirmed as completed, you will be able to participate in the calls for applications that match the requirements based on the data provided in your registration. You can find ongoing calls on the Registry’s website.
For further information, you can refer to the website section about the Register.